Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Protector Book Trailer

I make no comments or opinions about the book since I have not read it. What I write is about the trailer only.

At first viewing, the book trailer for The Protector by Jodi Ellen Malpas is exciting and dynamic. Thematically, it is unified in its color palette, imagery, score and the world it creates. The font is great and the captions are to the point.  It seems well edited and is fun to watch.

But on second viewing I realized how generic this book trailer is, almost as if it was chosen from a batch of pre-made videos, and this one worked best for the The Protector. It would fit well with any of a hundred books.

We needed to see something very specific about the hero and heroine, an emotional connection; just one scene with the couple in the same frame would have done it. (Other than a sex scene.)The clip with hands gave me a glimpse of what I was missing.

Clocking in at almost 4 minutes, it is way too long.

As it is, this trailer is all smoke and mirrors.

Avelynn: The Edge of Faith Book Trailer

This is the trailer that started my interest in book trailers. Avelynn: The Edge of Faith by Marissa Campbell

I have not read this book, but may in the near future.

It makes a slow start since we first see images related to the author. Once the book-related portion begins, the imagery, captions and music are all quite effective and dramatic.

There seem to be several different covers, including one that includes the author, herself? These may indicate various books in a series? It's not clear to me.

These multiple cover images dilute the potency of the video overall for me, but it does its job.

Into the Current Book Trailer Sets the Bar

I have not read this book, and have no plans to.  

Simple: A book trailer should make you want to read the book. The trailer needs to create tension, curiosity, suspense, and ask "the story question."  The music has to be appropriate and enhance the visuals.

Into the Current has a book trailer billed as "The best book trailer of all time."

Maybe it is. As a brilliant minute and a half film, it satisfies all the requirements I listed above.

Did it translate into book sales? Not so far.

Loveweaver - My Own Book Trailer for My First Post

The first book trailer I saw for a historical romance had a great use of music. It inspired me to do a trailer of Loveweaver and to try to achieve the same effect. The score of my trailer is one of the things I like the most.

Animoto is the website I used to create my video. Their templates, music library and Help page all make it fairly easy to use.

I spent a long time creating my "slides" but once they were done, they uploaded handily. By adjusting the timing of each slide, I was able to pace the music to fit certain transitions.